Wellness Wednesdays: Learn to Meditate
Wellness Wednesdays: Learn to Meditate
Guided by various Buddhist teachers
Every Wed 22 Jan with Jim Teoh (In Person)
Time: 7-8.30pm
Location: In person at Western Sydney University, Parramatta City Campus (Entry at 1 Parramatta Square), Level 3 Room PC-01.3.82; or Online (Zoom link below)
Cost: Free
Whether you are a beginner or regular mediator, join these sessions to learn how to meditate with the support of a teacher and supportive group. The classes cover the basics of meditation, while also introducing you to different types of meditation through guided meditations, talks, Q&A, and personal advice for your practice. Find out how meditation helps reduce stress, develop focus and calmness in the mind, deal with difficult emotions and negative thinking, and bring greater clarity and joy to your life.
About the Guide: Jim Teoh has been a Buddhist teacher for more than 40 years and was one of the initiators of the earliest structured Buddhist programs presented at the Buddhist Library. He has taught numerous Buddhist courses in various organisations, such as the Buddhist Council of NSW, Buddhist Library, Indonesian Buddhist Society of NSW and Bodhikusuma Buddhist and Meditation Centre. Jim is a regular speaker and meditation workshop facilitator at University Buddhist organisations. He is also trained as a Hospital Buddhist Chaplain.
Hybrid event: Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive session in person or online by clicking on this link to access the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83506489824?pwd=cmpNQ1ljSmFVYURLWVN1dWllYUN1dz09 Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905
If you are feeling unwell, please consider staying at home and joining online instead