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Unlimited mind, Unlimited heart: A one-day retreat with Ayya Aranya Devi
Join us for a spacious and supportive day of meditation. We will be developing meditation on metta (loving-kindness) and equanimity.
Metta is a quality of love that is very simple, like the love of a child. Equanimity brings balance and peace. These are foundations in the Buddha's teaching. They are powerful practices that develop resilience and strength of the heart.
Metta and equanimity are called immeasurable states of mind because there is no limit to our capacity for peace and love. We begin with accepting ourselves, as we are now. Gradually, as we develop in our individual ways, we discover that we are capable of more than we had imagined, that there is space for every kind of experience in our hearts.
We will have time for guided meditations, walking meditation, personal practice and discussion. Suitable for everyone.
About the teacher
Ayya Aranya Devi began practicing meditation in 1995. She was ordained in the Burmese Pa auk tradition in 2010, and she spent 2 & 1/2 years on retreat in a Pa auk branch in Malaysia. She has also studied with Bhante Sujato. She loves to help people how to find their true heart in practice, to let their meditation unfold naturally.