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Public talks on the Diamond Sutra in Mandarin
"The Diamond that Cuts through Illusion":
Public talks on the Diamond Sutra in Mandarin
Organised by the Prajna Monastery Australia
Teacher: Ven. Ban Ruo Shi
Each Saturday from 16 September to 9 December, except 11 November
9am – 11.30am
Cost: By Donation
Location: Metta Centre
Venerable Ban Ruo Shi will be giving a series of public talks in the Mandarin language on the profound Diamond Sutra, the Discourse on the Diamond that Cuts through Illusion.
As part of Metta Centre's commitment to supporting accessibility of Buddhism to all, we have offered our space for the Prajna Monastery to conduct these public talks in Mandarin so as to support local Chinese Buddhists in hearing and practising the Dharma with those from their ethnic community.
Metta Centre also supports the Vietnamese Lotus Buds Sangha in offering our space for their monthly gatherings. We hope to bring together fellow spiritual seekers across traditions, ethnicity and generations, for the message of peace is a language common to all of humanity.