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Aug 26, 2016 7:00 PM

August 26, 2016 9:00 PM

Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street

Mindfulness and Sacred Balance: Expanding beyond the boundaries of self to embrace all life" By Venerable Bom Hyon Sunim

Mindfulness and Sacred Balance: Expanding beyond the boundaries of self to embrace all life" By Venerable Bom Hyon SunimVenerable Bom Hyon Sunim
When: 26 August 2016 from 6.30pm for 7pm start to 9pm
We welcome you to this heart-felt talk by Korean Zen teacher, Ven Bom Hyon Sunim, exploring mindfulness as a grace, a kind of synergy that happens when we allow ourselves to be embraced in the web of life, in the flows of energy and intelligence that far exceeds our own. Looking deeply into life we touch ‘suchness,’ the ultimate reality.
Venerable Bom Hyon Sunim is from the Korean Zen tradition and is currently residing at Santi Forest Monastery, Bundanoon, for the Rains Retreat. Until recently living in Victoria, she was the resident teacher at Bodhi Ahm Buddhist Centre, founded the Healthcare Chaplaincy Service for the Buddhist Council, and is the Senior Buddhist chaplain for the Australian Defence Forces. Sunim conducts regular teachings and retreats and is active in interfaith activities with others who are spiritually and ecologically motivated to live in right relationship to the planet and all beings.

Aug 26, 2016 7:00 PM


Aug 26, 2016 9:00 PM


Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street


August 26, 2016

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