Mahāyāna Buddhism: What’s Great about the Great Vehicle?
Mahāyāna Buddhism: What’s Great about the Great Vehicle?
Presenter: Jonathan Shearman
Wed 13 April | 7-8.30pm
Online: links provided below
Cost: Free
This talk on “What’s Great about the Great Vehicle?” will present the story of how Mahāyāna Buddhism first appeared and how it developed; look at what it has in common with Theravada and also where it is different; what are the some of the major Mahāyāna Sutras; and contemporary Mahāyāna Buddhist cultures. Based on Buddhist studies and research, this talk will provide participants an opportunity to learn more about the history of Buddhism and the differences in traditions present in modern Buddhist practice.
About the speaker
Jonathan’s journey with Dharma goes back to a visit to Sri Lanka as a child in the 1960’s where an encounter with Buddhist monastics left a strong impression. He attended several retreats at Wat Buddha Dhamma, formally took refuge in July 2007 and went on his first 10-day Vipassana Retreat in early 2008. In years past he has given courses in Buddhism at Warringah and Mosman Evening College. He has completed the Master of Buddhist Studies course at the University of Sydney. Jonathan works as a technical writer.
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