Dhamma Talk: The Dhamma Road - Tudong journey from Geelong to Sydney
The Dhamma Road: Tudong journey from Geelong to Sydney
With Venerable Chao Khun Keng
Cost: Free | Registration for in person event is essential
Venerable Chao Khun Keng, fellow monastics and lay practitioners are on an inspiring Tudong journey walking a thousand kilometres on foot from Geelong to Sydney, to promote the Buddha’s messages of peace, harmony and compassion. Tudong was an austere practiced by the Buddha and his followers, and it literally means “shaking off”. In the walking, with little possession, and only taking one meal a day in the morning, this practice can be greatly conductive to the development of wisdom and insight, and in doing so “shake off” one’s greed, anger and delusions.
Metta Centre is honoured to host Chao Khun Keng at the Metta Centre, Bankstown, for a Dhamma Talk on 15 May 2021. With 34 years of monastic experience, Chao Khun Keng has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with us on Buddhism for wholesome living. Hear about the Tudong journey and the wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings.
Login details
If you would like to attend in person at the Metta Centre, please ensure that you register as spaces are limited. If you wish to attend via Zoom, just click on this link to access the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83506489824?pwd=cmpNQ1ljSmFVYURLWVN1dWllYUN1dz09
Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905
Join the Dhamma Walk
There is another event on 12 May 2021 to be part of the Tudong journey starting at 8am at Wat Lao Buddha Metta Buddhist Society (1 Fitzroy Cl, St Johns Park NSW) then walk to Wat Buddharangsee (88-90 Stanmore Rd, Stanmore). Please check out The Dhamma Road: Tudong journey from Geelong to Sydney for more information.
About the Speaker
Venerable Chao Khun Keng Vinayadhamma Vidhes aka Ajahn Keng is a Singaporean monk from the Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Mun Buridatto. He was ordained in 1987 under the recommendation of Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Ajahn Geoffrey). Luang Phor Jiak Cundo, the later generation of Luang Pu Mun’s disciples, was also one of is teachers. Ajahn Keng was conferred the title of “Chao Khun” in 2013 by the King of Thailand. Currently, Chao Khun Keng is the Abbott of Santi Forest Monastery (JB) and the President of Palelai Buddhist (Singapore) and Wat Pa Doi Charen Tham at Omkoi.