Buddhist sexual ethics
Buddhist sexual ethics
Presenter: Ayya Soma (from America)
Wed 29 March | 7-8.30pm AEDT
Location: In person at Metta Centre (Bankstown) or Online (Zoom link below)
Cost: By Donation
The Buddha laid down rules regarding sexual ethics recognising the importance of having guidelines for the purpose of promoting harmony. However, over the last few millennia, various cultures, traditions, and customs have evolved to suit the needs of community living. While it’s natural that people interpret the precepts and adapt their values due to societal needs, there is a danger in reinterpreting such rules without understanding the principles/true intentions behind them. So what is considered sexual misconduct as taught by the Buddha, and what should we keep in mind when adapting these teachings to modern living? How do we navigate these rules as a Buddhist practitioner?
About the Speaker: Ayyā Somā is an Italian Buddhist monk and co-abbot of Empty Cloud Monastery in New Jersey. A former fashion and lifestyle editor, her first encounter with Buddhist monasticism was at Santacittārāma Monastery in Italy, in the tradition of Ajahn Chah. She started practicing as a renunciant in 2016, received monastic ordination in 2018, and full bhikkhunī ordination in 2020. As the co-founder of Buddhist Insights, a non-profit organization connecting people with monastics, she has learned the Dharma through the perspective of monks of all different traditions like Bhante Suddhāso, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ajahn Pasanno, Ven. Robina Courtin, Khenmo Drolma, Ajahn Brahm, Thich Phap Hai, Ven. Paññavati, and Bhante Gunaratana.
Hybrid event: Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive session with the speaker in person at the Metta Centre (Bankstown). You are welcome to join the session in person at the Metta Centre or online by clicking on this link to access the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83506489824?pwd=cmpNQ1ljSmFVYURLWVN1dWllYUN1dz09 Alternatively, you can dial in from your telephone (call charges apply): +61 2 8015 6011 | Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824| Passcode: 718905