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Buddhist Music Jam: An Afternoon of Music Sharing with Reverend Heng Sure
Buddhist Music Jam: An Afternoon of Music Sharing with Reverend Heng Sure
Cost: By Donation
Location: Metta Centre
“In every Buddhist culture, since the Buddha’s time over 2500 years ago, Buddhist songs have brought peace and insight to people’s hearts. Now in the West, the chanting of scriptures, Buddhas’ names, and mantras is finding a new home and new musical expressions. It is especially gratifying to share the timeless wisdom of Buddhist principles in a traditional Western musical setting.”
- Rev Heng Sure, Paramita album
(more info here: http://www.dharmaradio.org/paramita/)
Reverend Heng Sure ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1976, and has been teaching Buddhism at universities, in monasteries and through interfaith dialogue. He undertook an impressive six-hundred mile pilgrimage from South Pasadena to Ukiah, repeatedly taking three steps and one bow to cover the entire journey, with the aspiration of world peace. In the entire two years taken to make the pilgrimage, he observed a practice of total silence.
Besides this impressive feat, Reverend Heng Sure is also known for his musical abilities, and creatively using music as a way to bring the Buddha’s teachings to life in a contemporary and inspiring way.
We invite you to this very special occasion to music jam with a monk. So bring along your instruments and voices to the Metta Centre as share songs to inspire awakening and noble conversations to uplift the mind.