Buddhism & Eco-poetry Therapy for anxious times
Buddhism & Eco-poetry Therapy for anxious times
Presenters: Kerryn Coombs-Valeontis & Ling Halbert
1 Sept | 7-8.30pm
At Metta Centre in person or via Zoom
Cost: By Donation
Previously, Metta Centre invited Virginia Field, co-author of Nature Heals, to present on nature-based therapies. This session we have the other co-author of Nature Heals, Kerryn Coombs-Valeontis, presenting on Eco-poetry therapy for anxious times. Nature is her great inspiration and invitation to mindfulness and equanimity. Ling Halbert will be facilitating the session to explore how Buddhism can be applied to sooth our inner angst in the face of uncertainty. Copies of Nature Heals will be available for purchase at the event, with part of the proceeds donated to the Metta Centre. To read more about the book: https://naturehealsbook.com
About the Presenters:
Kerryn Coombs-Valeontis is an Ecotherapist and Art Therapist, and co-author of Nature Heals: An introduction to Nature based therapies in Australia and New Zealand. She is a poet (first collection due out in Spring 2021) and believer that poetry is the language of the heart, that tells the truth, both of which we need more of in these anxious times. She is founder and facilitator of online study in Ecotherapy www.earthcreateheal.com
Ling Halbert is a teacher, an Eco therapist, a grandmother and a facilitator. Inspired by her Lao-Chinese heritage, Ling teaches many techniques, including tea ceremony, mindful and heartful cooking, Taichi and Chinese knotting. Her passion is to motivate and inspire people to take responsibility and custodianship in looking after their physical, spiritual and emotional health and wellbeing; through handcraft and creative arts, gardening and cooking. Ling is currently working at a women's health centre and is passionate about support and caring for women. Ling is a facilitator at WEAVE Parramatta and is also a Special Religion Educator.
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